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Fulvic Acid Crystals | Black Diamond

Black Diamond Crystals are one of the most effective healing and detoxifying formulas on the market, combining the power of Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid in powder form.

Humic acid is a natural ionic molecule extracted from ancient organic soil deposits. It is a key element for our nutrient-starved world, containing 70+ bioavailable nutrients. Black Diamond Crystals contain highly concentrated minerals and healing substances composed of long chain molecules that are high in molecular weight, dark brown to black in color, and soluble in an alkaline solution. Binding to both positive and negative charged ions, Black Diamond Crystals is a powerful free radical scavengers and natural antioxidant. Humic acid places a prophylactic coating, a thin protective film, on microbe receptor sites inhibiting attachment to host cells, and preventing viral, bacterial, and fungal infection. The function of humic acid is to balance and energize all cell life and biological properties. Humic acid is important for balancing hormones, including regulating women’s menstrual cycles.


Black Diamond Crystals are one of the most effective healing and detoxifying formulas on the market, combining the power of Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid in powder form.

Humic acid is a natural ionic molecule extracted from ancient organic soil deposits. It is a key element for our nutrient-starved world, containing 70+ bioavailable nutrients. Black Diamond Crystals contain highly concentrated minerals and healing substances composed of long chain molecules that are high in molecular weight, dark brown to black in color, and soluble in an alkaline solution. Binding to both positive and negative charged ions, Black Diamond Crystals is a powerful free radical scavengers and natural antioxidant. Humic acid places a prophylactic coating, a thin protective film, on microbe receptor sites inhibiting attachment to host cells, and preventing viral, bacterial, and fungal infection. The function of humic acid is to balance and energize all cell life and biological properties. Humic acid is important for balancing hormones, including regulating women’s menstrual cycles.

Fulvic acid is the most powerful natural electrolyte. It restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins, and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. When it encounters free radicals with unpaired positive or negative electrons, fulvic acid supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize the free radical, acting as a broad-spectrum anti-microbial and fungicide. Fulvic acid carries up to 60 minerals and elements directly into the cells and chelates monovalent and divalent elements which it comes in contact with. Fulvic acid has the power to form stable water-soluble complex structures with monovalent, divalent, trivalent, and polyvalent metal ions. It can aid in the movement of metal ions that are normally difficult to mobilize or transport. Fulvic acid is an excellent natural chelator and positive ion exchanger and is vitally important for the nutrition of cells.

Black Diamond Crystals support optimal microbial balance within the gut to help heal gut issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, and gallbladder issues.


  • 70+ Bioavailable Nutrients – Essential Minerals, Amino Acids, Electrolytes, and Antioxidants
  • Improves Nutrient Uptake and Assimilation
  • Natural Chelator and Detoxifier
  • Enhances Cellular Function Through Participation in Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
  • Improves Oxygen Levels
  • Protects Brain Function
  • Restores Gut Flora
  • Weight Loss
  • Potent Antimicrobial Properties
  • Immune Booster
  • Balances Hormones
  • Stimulates Energy Production
  • Powerful Free Radical Scavenger and Antioxidant
  • Anti-Carcinogenic Properties
  • Protects from Harmful Chemicals
  • Builds Muscle and Burns Fat
  • Alkalizes and detoxify blood
  • Regenerates and Hydrates Cells


Each packet of Black Diamond Crystals contains:

250mg Humic Acid Powder and 100mg Fulvic Acid Powder.

All Doc of Detox Humic and Fulvic products are derived from an exclusive humic deposit which is remarkably high in humic and fulvic acids while low in undesirable ash and heavy metals common to other feedstocks, located in Drumheller, Canada. Along with patented isolation technology, this pure premium material produces products of superior quality.

An innovative production process is used that leverages physical principles to extract the many fractions of humic substances, including humic and fulvic acid, utilizing food-grade manufacturing equipment and systems for both product production and packaging. This patented process is different from the industry-standard residue-adding base-acid reactions and allows for the selection and isolation of compounds at the molecular level. The result is the ability to produce products that are concentrated, environmentally friendly, and purer than alternative fulvic mineral products.

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